Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Real,World Consequences of Reflexology Research

Real,World Consequences of Reflexology Research. 

Reflexology research has the power to inform about possibilities for not only the medical community but also reflexologists. Research provides the power of possibilities about what reflexology can do. 

The prognosis for 80 year old Dawn was not good on that Wednesday. The stroke she had experienced was described as “massive” by the consultant following assessment of a scan of her brain showing the injured area. She was not expected to survive the next 24 hours. If she did it was predicted she would be paralyzed on the left half of her body with the potential loss of sight and hearing abilities. One option was making Dawn “comfortable in a side room and giving her morphine."

It’s some sixty days later and Dawn walks out of a rehabilitation facility for outside visits and will return home in the weeks to come. There are some lingering effects of her stroke but the doctor says it should be no problem for her to do things like walk up stairs.

The happy ending to Dawn’s story started with her daughter Gayle’s decision to hold her mother’s hand to comfort her while waiting assessment in the UK hospital’s A & E (Accident and Emergency) stroke unit. It then occurred to Gayle to apply reflexology while holding her hand. Using knowledge gained as a reflexology student and encouraged by reported results of fMRI research (Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology) with stroke patients, she was determined to use reflexology to help her mother.

Progress was evaluated day by day. On Thursday the consultant saw no progress discounting as spasming Gayle’s reports of her mother moving in response to reflexology application. He decided to extend care another day swayed by, as Gayle tells it, I think he felt sorry for us. She and her two sisters took turns staying by their mother’s bed around the clock. On Friday, perhaps swayed by blood pressure readings, he again made the decision to extend care. 

Next came what Gayle describes as their lucky break, a doctor’s strike started Friday evening. She says, "So there were a lack of doctors anyway to deal with anything, so you didn't have to. So, thank God, we realized, like, you know, just to keep this going, keep this going.

It was just after midnight early that Saturday morningwith Gayle, taking a break and with her sister Hayley at their mother’s bedside. Dawn turned and said, Hi, Hay. Dawn was awake. She had recognized her daughter Hayley’s voice.

On Monday, the family could report to the consultant, Dawn had spoken. Hospital care could continue. Gayle’s reflexology work continued. A stay at a rehabilitation facility followed with the expectation that Dawn will return to her life.

Note: While this is a wonderful story it isn’t a scientific fact. It is considered anecdotal evidence.  To make a factual case for using reflexology as a tool for stroke recovery we need the data to support this effort. 

Join the Effort to Finish the fMRI Research Project

What are the study’s scientists saying about the progress of the foot reflexology and fMRI research project, Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology? 

It’s the best possible news. The scientists are so enthusiastic about preliminary results they are mapping a path forward to demonstrate that reflexology can be a science. 

What can you do to help? Help us raise the $10,000 needed to finish analysis of the brain scans acquired during the research. Donate here to the non-profit UNM Fund - Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology

Finishing analysis will lead to an article published in a scientific journal. Such proof of results facilitates the next step, application for grant money from the National Institute of Health for another study. Finally, a study including a large number of subjects will help,establish reflexology as a science.

Monday, July 15, 2024

What are the four geriatric giants and how can reflexology address them?

The "four geriatric giants" is a term used to describe four common age-related conditions or challenges that older adults often face. These giants include:

1. Frailty: Frailty refers to a state of increased vulnerability to stressors, resulting in a decline in physical and cognitive functioning. Reflexology can address frailty by promoting relaxation, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms. It can help reduce muscle tension, improve balance and coordination, and enhance overall well-being, which may contribute to a reduction in frailty-related symptoms.

2. Immobility: Immobility refers to the difficulty or inability to move or engage in physical activities. Reflexology can address immobility by targeting specific reflex points that correspond to the musculoskeletal system. By stimulating these reflex points, reflexology can help improve joint flexibility, relieve muscle stiffness, and promote mobility. It may also help reduce pain and discomfort associated with immobility, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities more comfortably.

3. Instability: Instability refers to a lack of balance or a higher risk of falls. Reflexology can address instability by targeting reflex points that correspond to the nervous system and the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and spatial orientation. By stimulating these reflex points, reflexology can help improve proprioception (awareness of body position), enhance balance, and reduce the risk of falls. It may also help improve coordination and gait, contributing to overall stability.

4. Incontinence: Incontinence refers to the involuntary loss of bladder or bowel control. Reflexology can address incontinence by targeting reflex points that correspond to the urinary and digestive systems. By stimulating these reflex points, reflexology can help improve bladder and bowel function, regulate urinary and bowel movements, and strengthen the muscles involved in continence. It may also help reduce inflammation and promote detoxification, which can have a positive impact on urinary and digestive health.

#What #are #the #four #geriatric #giants #and #how #can #reflexology #address #The #geriatric #is #a #term #used #to #describe #four #common #conditions #or #challenges #that #older #adults #often #face #These #ReflexologyResearch #BrainMapping #PilotStudy #NeuralPathways #ReflexologyImpact #BrainResearch #HolisticHealth #AlternativeMedicine #FootReflexology #MindBodyConnection #HealthAndWellness #FootHealth #Neuroscience #BrainFunction #ResearchFindings #ReflexologyBenefits #BrainHealth #HolisticHealing #NaturalHealing #Wellbeing 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Why is it important to study the efficacy of reflexology?

 Why is it important to study the efficacy of reflexology?

Studying the efficacy of reflexology is important for several reasons:

1. Evidence-Based Practice: By studying the efficacy of reflexology, healthcare professionals can determine whether it is a valid and effective treatment option. This research helps establish a foundation of evidence that supports the use of reflexology in clinical practice. Evidence-based practice ensures that healthcare decisions are based on scientific evidence and promotes the delivery of safe and effective care.

2. Treatment Options: Researching the efficacy of reflexology helps expand the range of treatment options available to individuals. If reflexology is found to be effective, it can be considered as a complementary or alternative therapy for various health conditions. This provides individuals with more choices in managing their health and well-being, allowing them to explore non-pharmacological and non-invasive approaches to healthcare.

3. Health Outcomes: Studying the efficacy of reflexology helps assess its impact on health outcomes. Research can investigate the effectiveness of reflexology in relieving pain, reducing stress, improving sleep quality, enhancing relaxation, and promoting overall well-being. Understanding the specific health outcomes associated with reflexology helps healthcare professionals tailor treatment plans and interventions to individual needs.

4. Integration into Healthcare: Researching the efficacy of reflexology contributes to its integration into mainstream healthcare systems. When there is scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness, reflexology can be considered for inclusion in clinical guidelines, treatment protocols, and healthcare policies. This integration improves access to reflexology for individuals who may benefit from it and promotes its acceptance within the healthcare community.

5. Patient Education: Studying the efficacy of reflexology provides valuable information for patient education. Research findings can help individuals make informed decisions about whether to try reflexology as a treatment option. It allows patients to understand the potential benefits and limitations of reflexology and empowers them to actively participate in their healthcare decisions.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Researching the efficacy of reflexology is closely linked to its cost-effectiveness. If reflexology is proven to be effective, it strengthens the case for its inclusion in healthcare coverage and reimbursement policies. Cost-effective interventions can potentially reduce healthcare costs and improve access to care for individuals who may not have access to expensive treatments.

7. Advancement of the Field: Studying the efficacy of reflexology contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Research helps identify the mechanisms of action, optimal techniques, and appropriate indications for reflexology. This knowledge can then be shared with other healthcare professionals, contributing to the overall development and understanding of reflexology as a therapeutic modality.

In summary, studying the efficacy of reflexology is important for evidence-based practice, expanding treatment options, assessing health outcomes, integrating reflexology into healthcare, patient education, cost-effectiveness, and advancing the field. This research provides valuable information for healthcare professionals, individuals seeking treatment options, and the overall improvement of healthcare practices.

#ReflexologyResearch #BrainMapping #PilotStudy #NeuralPathways #ReflexologyImpact #BrainResearch #HolisticHealth #AlternativeMedicine #FootReflexology #MindBodyConnection #HealthAndWellness #FootHealth #Neuroscience #BrainFunction #ResearchFindings #ReflexologyBenefits #BrainHealth #HolisticHealing #NaturalHealing #Wellbeing

What are the benefits of reflexology on brain health and function?

What are the benefits of reflexology on brain health and function?

Reflexology has been found to have several benefits on brain health and function. Some of these include:

1. Stress Reduction: Reflexology helps to reduce stress and promotes relaxation, which can have a positive impact on brain health. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety.

2. Improved Blood Circulation: By applying pressure to specific points on the feet or hands, reflexology improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. This increased blood flow can enhance brain function and improve cognitive abilities.

3. Enhanced Sleep Quality: Reflexology has been shown to improve sleep quality, which is essential for optimal brain health. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, reflexology can help regulate sleep patterns and ensure restful sleep.

4. Pain Relief: Reflexology can help alleviate headaches and migraines, which are often associated with brain health issues. By targeting specific reflex points, reflexology stimulates the release of endorphins, which act as natural painkillers.

5. Mental Clarity and Focus: Reflexology can enhance mental clarity and focus by reducing mental fatigue and improving concentration. It helps to clear the mind, improve cognitive function, and increase alertness.

6. Emotional Wellbeing: Reflexology can have a positive impact on emotional wellbeing, which is closely linked to brain health. It helps to reduce anxiety, depression, and mood swings, promoting a sense of overall emotional balance.

 Facciamolo spesso! 🙏🏽☀️

Quando ti lavi le mani, spruzzati sul viso acqua fredda che attiva il “riflesso dell'immersione”.   Questo a sua volta stimola il nervo vago che sposta il nostro sistema nervoso da “lotta o fuga” a “riposo e digestione”.

 Il riflesso dell'immersione è una risposta fisiologica che si verifica negli esseri umani e in altri mammiferi quando immergono il viso in acqua fredda.  È caratterizzato da una serie di risposte automatiche volte a conservare l'ossigeno e a proteggere gli organi vitali.  Queste risposte includono una riduzione della frequenza cardiaca, la costrizione dei vasi sanguigni nelle estremità e il reindirizzamento del flusso sanguigno al cervello e al cuore.  Il riflesso dell'immersione aiuta a migliorare la capacità del corpo di sopportare livelli ridotti di ossigeno e di prolungare il tempo trascorso sott'acqua.


A Vision of the Future of Reflexology

The future of reflexology holds promising potential. As complementary and alternative medicine continue to gain recognition and acceptance, reflexology is likely to play a significant role. Here are some projected advancements:

1. Research and evidence: Continued research into reflexology will expand our understanding of its mechanisms and effectiveness. This will contribute to building a stronger evidence base, supporting its integration into mainstream healthcare.

2. Integration with conventional medicine: Reflexology may become more integrated into conventional medical settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers. Healthcare professionals may recommend or incorporate reflexology as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for various conditions.

3. Specialized applications: Reflexology may evolve to include specialized applications for specific health issues. For example, targeted protocols may be developed for conditions like chronic pain management, cancer support, mental health, and more.

4. Technological advancements: Technology could be leveraged to enhance the practice of reflexology. Innovations like smart insoles or devices may provide real-time feedback and assist in locating precise reflex points, optimizing treatment outcomes.

5. Personalized approaches: With the growing focus on personalized medicine, reflexology may adapt to offer individualized treatments. Reflexologists might incorporate client-specific assessments, tailoring sessions to address unique needs and preferences.

6. Wellness and preventive care: Reflexology's potential in promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being may see it increasingly incorporated into wellness programs and preventive care strategies. It may be employed to support individuals in maintaining good health and preventing health issues before they arise.

While these projections highlight potential future developments, it's important to note that reflexology should always be practiced by well-trained professionals and used alongside conventional medical care.

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Monday, May 6, 2024

This is exciting!!!

Our lead investigator, Dr. Stefan Posse, presented the finding from our brain scanning project to 5000 research scientists in Singapore today. It involved applying reflexology while in realtime the participants were being scanned with a functional MRI unit. If you are interested in the results come join us on May 14th when  Barbara and myself talk about the results. Please share this with your friends.