I was playing with Google Images when I ran across this beautiful reflexology located in Malaysia. Check it out. There is also a company called Pathways of Health that has built several paths in the Northwest. They are very nice and seem to get better and better. Hey and if you want one built they are the folks to go to see.
Our launch of Complete Reflexology for Life in paperback has gone really well. DK has introduced Tweeters for our book. "Have Reflexology for Lunch! At-your-desk easy reflexology coming right up! http://bit.ly/yhNq6" Fun.
And Our Reflexology Path Kit is coming out three weeks from now. Can't wait to see. Total Reflexology Kit seems to be completely sold out. My cousin, Jean, spotted some in Massachusetts. They were gone when she got back. Barnes and Noble is going to restock in January. It is too late for Xmas but in time for recovering from the holidays.
And don't forget our IPhone/ ITouch app. People have been commenting on how they love taking the Interactive chart with them. When you go to the ITunes store it is the ReflexologyChart app.
We are having really spirited discussions on Facebook. My Facebook page seems to now be a forum. But that's okay. We are family.
Kevin Kunz
Follow me on Twitter-http://twitter.com/footreflexology
Paperback edition of Complete Reflexology for Life is coming out in August- Order yours today.
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