© Studio Araminta. Image from BigStockPhoto.com.
We talked earlier about why it is a good idea to become a writer if you are a reflexologist. The next step is how to get started. And the trick here is surprising simple but yet deceivingly difficult. JUST START.
First tip- Take your pen, pencil or computer keyboard and start. That it the greatest advice I can give you. Most people mean to get started but never do.
My father gave me this piece of advice. Just start writing. Don't worry about perfection. Just put something, anything down to start the process. You or someone else can edit it after you have written it down. Or you can delete it or throw it away but you are started. Success!!!
Second tip- Never stop writing. If you are always writing down your observations, thoughts and so forth it gets easier and easier to express yourself. A journal is a great way to keep the ball rolling. Index cards in your pocket can be a great way to write things down on the go. Scribble with a crayon but do whatever you can to keep writing.
Third tip- Mind map your ideas to get going. (Just Google "Mind mapping". There are a ton of resources.) Mind mapping is a great way to jump start your writing. Simply put you can take a piece of paper and put your central idea in the middle. Then you draw out branches with ideas you think are associated with this idea.
Fourth tip- Find writing you like and then decide why you like it. Break it down and study what it is that appeals to you. Is it a newspaper, a book or a blog? What do you like? what writers do you like?
Fifth tip- What is your passion? What do you have an opinion on? What is interesting to you? Tell me what ignites your interest. Have you observed something you think other reflexologists should know about? Is there a technique you want to talk about? Has a client presented a challenge that you resolved? Remember a simple observation that you may take for granted may be a real revelation or very valuable to another reflexologist.
And example of this is an observation I had made for years on how to spot a tailbone injury. We were doing a class and I happen to mention it. The class was extremely excited to find out about this technique. That one observation lead to the writing MyReflexologist Says: Feet Don't Lie and a revision of The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology as well as a whole system for stress cue assessment. And we are still writing on it.
Now time to get to it. What do you want to say?
Kevin Kunz
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