Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Future of Reflexology

Another interesting meeting with the lead investigator of the fMRI study, Dr  Stefan Posse. We talked about the future and the potential for becoming a recognized and acknowledged science. 

I asked if we could develop a method to test the various approaches of reflexology. No problem according to Dr. Posse. 

We are learning at this point a methodology that could used to test and verify different approaches. And we can make this a global effort with other universities coming onboard. 

We can also test the effects of reflexology on a wide range of disorders. It is an unlimited list. 

We are responding to your input and designing the next series of fMRI scans around stroke. The revised protocol for stroke is about done in record time.

We need your help. We need to hire what is called a post doc to analyze this data from the proof of concept part of this research project (phase 2). 

In order to enter the medical world we need proof of concept evidence. The data right now is just sitting there. So if we are to complete the phase 2 of this research project we need you. If you have donated thank you. If you have thought about donating please give now. 

The faster we get phase 2 analyzed the faster we get what Dr. Posse called valuable and beautiful data into the mainstream of medicine. And the faster we get reflexology moving towards it true potential to help heal this planet on a global level. 

Thank you

Kevin Kunz 

Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology

Irish Reflexologist’s Institue’s GoFund me page

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