Friday, July 14, 2023

Mechanical ventilation dosing

What is accomplished in a single reflexology session? And, can parallels be drawn between findings in researched reflexology application to critically ill patients and relatively healthy, typical reflexology clients?

Intriguing questions into this issue are raised by research into reflexology and critically ill patients supported by mechanical ventilation. Such researchers made decisions about “dosing,” how much directed, purposeful pressure applied to the feet could influence the patients in a specific way. They decide which reflex areas would create the sought after responses. They then proceeded with reflexology application with measurements throughout the patient experience.  

One research project explored physiologic indicators and weaning from mechanical ventilation with 15-20 minutes of reflexology applied to each foot and three specific reflex areas (heart, lung, solar plexus). Researchers found statistically significant differences between patients in the intervention (reflexology) group and those in the control group. Included were statistically significant better physiological indicators (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure mean arterial pressure and oxygen saturation with significant differences in respiratory rate) in the reflexology group. In addition the patients in the reflexology group were “weaned” from mechanical ventilators 165 minutes sooner than patients in the control group. indicators and weaning from mechanical ventilation with 15-20 minutes of reflexology applied to each foot and three specific reflex areas (heart, lung, solar plexus). Researchers found statistically significant differences between patients in the intervention (reflexology) group and those in the control group. Included were statistically significant better physiological indicators (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure mean arterial pressure and oxygen saturation with significant differences in respiratory rate) in the reflexology group. In addition the patients in the reflexology group were “weaned” from mechanical ventilators 165 minutes sooner than patients in the control group.

Elsayed, Amira, Kandeel, Nahed, El-Aziz, Wafaa, “The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Physiological Indicators and Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Time among Open-Heart Surgery Patients” American Journal of Nursing Research. 2019, 7(4), 412-419 DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-7-4-2

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