Many people have longer second toes. It is referred to as a Morton's toe after a foot anatomist named Morton. (It is a great honor to have a toe named after you,) The figures vary widely on how many people have it but it seems to be more common certain ethnic groups. And there are real problems with this set up for modern kind.
It is something you can blame on your parents and get away with it. It is genetic. A longer second toe is caused by the arrangements the bones in the foot called the metatarsal bones. It isn't the toe bones themselves but the bones in the body of the foot itself.
The second metatarsal bone is longer than the first metatarsal bone. It simply juts the toe outward. This probably would not be a problem if you were in the wild. But shoes cause complications with a Morton's Toe.
Shoes cause pressure along the long arch or longitudinal arch of the foot. Feet tend to fatigue with this type of pressure. But Morton's Toe also places pressure under the second toe on the ball of the foot. There is often a characteristic callus there.
There are often energy problems associated with a Morton's toe because the foot locks in response right over the pancreas/ adrenal reflex area. People who have the Morton's Toe and have locked across the middle of the foot often have a bump on the top of there foot.
I start asking questions when I see the bump. "How is your energy?" is my first question.
There are three varieties of energy responses. Some people are high energy and on the go all the times. Then there are people who have sudden drops of energy at 3 or 4 PM like clockwork.
Then there is the third category who used to be high energy but suddenly their get up and go got up and went. They were very active for years until things seem to spiral downhill.
In part 2 of "Do you have a longer second toe?" I plan to talk about ways to counter the affects of a longer second toe.
Kevin Kunz

1 comment:
Thank you for the insight on the subject of the second toe. Looking back on those I have worked on with a Morton toe it all makes perfect sense and will help me in the future. I have also found that a person with a longer second toe generally holds a position of leadership either at work or within the family unit.
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