Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mother's Day Presents

It is almost Mother's Day and you are stuck for a present. There are flowers, candies and the like.

But what would really please your Mom is a little relief from her tired aching feet and hands. So let me present you this infomercial (hey, I don't get paid to write this blog so don't complain. Besides your Mom would approve.)

Present idea #1 - Rub her feet and hands. I know this may not be your cup of tea but she put up with you all those years. Give her a little tender loving care. She deserves it.

You might buy a wonderful book on reflexology like Complete Reflexology for Life to study some techniques. (Again a little self promotion on my part isn't all bad.) Start out with a few simple "desserts". (See pages 78-83 for the feet, pages 122-125 for the hands.)

Work up to some more involved techniques like thumb walking. (See pages 72-73) Don't worry about speed just go slowly and thoroughly. It has a great effect.

Present idea #2 Give her a reflexology kit. There is a good one I know called Total Reflexology kit (okay so I am pushing the self promotion a bit.) It contains everything you need for a reflexology self help session. There are reflexology socks, gloves, a foot roller, a reflex ball, charts and a 160 page book at a very nice price.

Present idea #3 Give her a Reflexology Deck which has 52 cards from the bestselling title, Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips. It gives her the ability to study reflexology wherever she is and the deck fits so conveniently in her purse.

Present Idea #4 Give her a combination of the above. Complete Reflexology for Life for instance goes very well with the Reflexology Deck. Or combine the Total Reflexology kit with the Reflexology Deck.

Now don't delay. This is your Mom we are talking about.

Happy Mother's Day.

Kevin Kunz

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