It was October 25, 1984 when Hand and Foot Reflexology, A Self-Help Guide by Barbara and Kevin Kunz was first published and, on October 25, 2009, we celebrate twenty-five years in publication. With twenty-five printings in the U. S. and publication in six languages (English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and Hebrew), it has reached thousands over the years. Not many books reach their 25th birthdays—actually, some 90% of all books fail in their first season and never see
a second printing.
So what was it about Hand and Foot Reflexology that made it a quarter-century success story? When you look inside this book, you well see it is full of self-help technique descriptions and
illustrations. What really stands out to this author is that behind every word and every stroke of the illustrating pen is the power of an idea: The power of reflexology is the power of you. It’s in your hands to make a difference to your body, your health, your mood. You can create change in your own body, its tone, its tension level.
Readers seemed to like the approach. Hand and Foot Reflexology, A Self-Help Guide was the most stolen book at Planetree Health Resource Library—so they decided to offer it for sale. We had added so many drawings—2002 black and white line drawings—because we knew it would help those who spoke other languages. It worked as we saw at a book signing and demonstration in Farmington, New Mexico which borders the Navajo Indian reservation. An older Navajo lady dressed in traditional tribal garb of velvet blouse, full skirt and squash blossom necklace of silver and turquoise. walked in and sat down. She seemed to like the reflexology work. She bought a book commenting, Good. Pictures. As she was leaving she said The tribe wanted me to try the new medicine. I wanted to try the old medicine.
In the writing of this book two things collided. A self-help reflexology approach of just do it, just pick among the reflexology techniques and use the one that works for what you need. Then, there was how reflexology works. If there was a logical explanation, we felt readers would think Yes, reflexology is real and because it is real, it can help me.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
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