We just had a wonderful time in LA doing a Reflexology Party. We learn a few things we wanted to share to make a successful Reflexology Party with you.
1. Organization is important. Although we strayed somewhat from our schedule everyone felt they received attention. If you can get a list before the event it helps to organize it in your head. Arrive early. Get your chairs set up and any other material like literature should be well displayed.
2. Know a little about the people coming. Occupation is always helpful without being to prying. But if your party is hosted how the hosts know the attendees.
3. But also be prepared to be surprised. We worked on someone who knew a dear friend of ours, who had been a long time reflexologist in the LA area.
4. Pass out charts. People love charts and they serve to add value to your event. Charts can be ordered in bulk. And charts can be personalized which really works well.
5. If it is a high class crowd pass out books. It is an investment in gaining new clientele but it is classy. You can also bring post-it notes to mark out self help or techniques pertinent to them. Amazon offers discounts on larger orders.
6. Food is also a nice touch as it gives people something to entertain themselves while waiting. Make sure it is in a separate area.
7. Don't forget the business cards, brochures and any show and tell that will liven the occasion. We brought some of our Total Reflexology kit and our Reflexology Path kit. It was a real conversation starter.
We did a slideshow on our laptop of reflexology paths. People could watch it while waiting. It was quite a success.
Finally relax and have a good time. It is after all a party.
Kevin Kunz
Follow me on Twitter-http://twitter.com/footreflexology
Paperback edition of Complete Reflexology for Life is here- Order yours today.
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