We were once doing a demonstration at a health show. I was working on a young lady. I hit a particularly sensitive spot. She asked,"What is that?' I replied that we consider it the reflex area that relates to the reproductive system.
She said," Oh great news. Now everything is shot."
I assured her that wasn't necessarily the case. The reproductives help produce some of the stress hormones. So if you are under pressure the reproductives can be quite sensitive.
The reproductive system is fairly easy to work with a technique we call "rotating on a point". It can be used anywhere and is particularly useful for bad periods.
Description- "Start by wrapping your hand around the ankle. Rest your thumb at the halfway point between the edge of the heel and the ankle bone, then use the rotating-on-a-point to work the uterus area in women and the prostate area in men. Rotate your foot in a clockwise direction several times and then in a counterclockwise direction several times."
From p114 Complete Reflexology for Life
Kevin Kunz
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